Friends of Rendcomb College

The Friends of Rendcomb College – Continuing to Support the Vision

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About The Friends of Rendcomb College
The Friends of Rendcomb was founded in 1984 by Vice-Admiral Sir Louis Le Bailly, then Chairman of the governors. As a registered charity, its accounts are kept entirely separate from the College. Its aims are to establish bursaries and scholarships for boys and girls from Gloucestershire primary schools who might not otherwise have the opportunity of a Rendcomb education and to provide support to families currently at Rendcomb who find themselves in times of crisis. The trust deed is not constrictive and has also enabled the charity to support the College with infrastructure projects that support student learning. These aims are concurrent with Noel Wills’ vision for the College: to provide a good and broad education in attractive and stimulating surroundings to young people regardless of background and income.

Our Support
Since its inception, the Friends of Rendcomb College has ensured that many students have enjoyed an excellent start to their education. The Friends of Rendcomb College has funded student education at Rendcomb and capital projects to enhance educational facilities at a cost of over £420,000. The support has been particularly welcome with the demise of Gloucestershire foundation scholarships and government assisted places.

A recent scholar’s parent wrote to us: “I am writing to The Friends of Rendcomb to express my gratitude for the scholarship that you gave my son. During his seven years at Rendcomb, he was able to enjoy a degree of security and continuity which through ill-health I have been unable to provide as fully as I would have wished. In particular, being able to board at the school allowed him to survive the horrible ten months when I was in hospital, just when he was taking the exams on which so much depends nowadays… “

Your Help by Donating
There are ways that you can help The Friends of Rendcomb College to continue to support students at Rendcomb:
1. Make a monthly or annual contribution for seven years which would enable The Friends of Rendcomb to budget to support future scholars. If 250 ORs contributed £10 per month for seven years using Gift Aid, this would generate enough to fund two day pupils at 100% remission or two boarders at 70%. If the same number contributed £25 per month, the income received would allow The Friends of Rendcomb College to support 5.25 day pupils or 3.4 boarders at 100% remission. (Excludes any fee increases).
Download a printable mandate form here.
2. Send a one-off gift which may also be eligible for Gift Aid. Please complete a Gift Aid Declaration.
3. Legacy Giving: Please remember The Friends of Rendcomb College in your will.
4. Conduct your on-line shopping through Easy to set up and at no extra expense to you as a customer, shopping through the portal ensures that retailers donate direct to The Friends of Rendcomb College as you do the shopping that you would naturally do anyway! Full details here.
5. Purchase a copy of The History of Rendcomb College Volumes I and II available through The FriendsMore details here.

The 1920 Club
In early 2012, six like-minded OR’s who left in 1993, 1995 and 1996 signed up to support The Friends of Rendcomb College through Gift Aid direct debits and have become founder members of The 1920 Club – a group who through regular financial support hope to keep the vision that Noel Wills implemented in the school he founded in 1920 very much at the forefront of the College’s future. The Friends of Rendcomb College is very grateful for the support that this group have given and hope that The 1920 Club continues to attract new supporters.
Further details about membership of The 1920 Club can be obtained from Mark Naylor

Mr Richard Wills, Chairman, governor of Rendcomb College and great grandson of the founder Noel Wills
Mr Mark Naylor, Executive Trustee, College staff Commercial Operations (retired)
Mrs Jane Gunner, former parent and governor of Rendcomb College, Hon. Sec. of OR Society, OR (1975-77)
Mr Rob Jones, Ex Officio, Headmaster of Rendcomb College (2015- )
Mr Keith Winmill, OR (1972-79)
Dr Tessa Hicks, former parent, OR (1974-76)
Ms Jessica Weston, OR Committee Member, OR (1998-05)
Mr Richard Law, OR (1964-70)

Mr Mark Naylor, Friends of Rendcomb College Executive Trustee, 7 Hampton Grove, Meysey Hampton, Cirencester, Glos. GL7 5JN. United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1285 851668 or email [email protected]

The Friends of Rendcomb College. Registered Charity no. 290373