Reunion Lunch

OR Society Reunion Attendance and Lunch confirmation

Thank you for indicating your intention to attend and your lunch requirements by completing this form.
There is a recommended contribution of £10 per person for lunch and afternoon refreshments
payable by cash or card. The OR Society AGM in room E1 at 12:15 is optional.

    Lunch request for OR Reunion at Rendcomb College
    AGM in Main Building (Room E1) at 12:15 prompt, Lunch 1pm (Servery),
    Tea/Coffee from 3:30pm (Reading room)

    Your Name

    Attending the OR Reunion 2024 and Lunch (Required)

    DefinitelyAlmost certainlyMaybeDecide on the daySee Message

    Confirm number of lunches required by you (and your group).

    Year of leaving Rendcomb College (Optional)

    Your Telephone

    Your Email

    Please provide any specific details eg names in group and if Vegetarian in the message box as applicable.

    Message Subject

    Your Message (Max. 500 characters)

    Please check the box and then Send

    Alternatively, email The Old Rendcombian Society Secretary.
    Contact: Jane Gunner  Email:[email protected]