Website Activity

11Aug OR 2024 Reunion and bench dedication
18 July Updated WordPress 6.6 and plugins
21June Full backup and database + export taken
10June Added form for OR Reunion and lunches plus Facebook group text
24May2024 Updates done. Changed cache plugin and updated. Issued 2024 50th Newsletter and on Facebook group
24Nov All updates. Martyn Pitt collection added.
15Oct Added Events page
8 Sept Added history link to Domesday Book reference
20Aug Search stopped working. Installed WP-Google-Search plugin and reset the API code. Changes menus. Faster.
17Aug Removed plugin from called ‘Rendcomb’. Made other security changes.
31 July Full backup taken 3.4GB
12July Added new menu entry of History. Added a selection of the original architecture diagrams courtesy of Clive Smith at RC (Mark Naylor provided original photographs)
10July Added Roger MA Medill order of service funeral 7-7-2023
27June OR reunion photos added after the annual reunion – 40 year group and AGM
June General updates. Issues with email through oldrendcombian, reverted to real email account names
15 Upload of the 2023 Newsletter 8Mb pdf v2
22March Set up Cloudflare for SSL and protection
18March Full backup
6March JH Simpson text from July 1926 Speech day uploaded (from Champagne Days – Dick Field’s book)
24Nov Full backup
2Nov Updated to WordPress 6.1 and plugins
12Sept Notices page updated for Heritage open day on 18 Sept pm
2Sept Updated plugins and some updates to Roll of Honour
3July Updated Roll of Honour JF Spencer and WA Wyon (input from T Bates)
9June Completed OR 50 Lunch photos and videos
8June Added photos and planned video links to speeches
6June Updates. OR 50 Year Lunch photo and information updated
16Jan Full backup. Updated plugins 25 Jan
19Oct Added Notices page
31Aug Updated plugins. Improved text on Rendcombian Magazines page and 1925-82 page
22Aug Rendcombian 2019-20 converted to A4 and uploaded. Initiated Google search request. Plugin updates.
23June Plugin updates and Full backup 3.2gb
29May Updated pages pending OR Newsletter 2021
19Mar Added JR Ellis photo collection, selected
25Feb Minor changes
20Feb Updates for 100 year Lunch event in 2022
July – Jan 2021 Regular updates
7June Full backup 3.2GB
1June Newsletter 2020 Centenary added
23May – revised JTerry collection. Removed 3x images Privacy
22May Updates to Travel Bursary application form with spec for Report
4May Updates to Woodwork Exhib layouts dates text
14/28 Apr Update Woodwork Exhibition page and move menu – input Colin
3Apr Added NCMA video link to Saul page
27-29Mar Colourized many College B&W photos. Posted updates to homepage Slider. Updated dates to reschedule Reunion events to 2021
28Feb Minor tweaks – removed dead menu links from Search. 28May Lunch now 87 guests
24Dec Full backup
29Nov Updated Celebration lunch pdf (2 Places) Version 2, removed date.
26Nov Updated Saul page with NCMA video link etc following restoration
13Nov Added 4 images Plays – Comedy of Errors 1974 & A Man for all
             Seasons 1973 courtesy P Rose.
             Added College photograph 2002 L & R (120dpi)
7Nov Rescanned and reworked April 1969 Magazine
1Nov Added August 1969 Magazine
31Oct Added Chronicle July 1966
29Oct Added Chronicle July 1965
14Oct Updates for College Centenary celebrations and 2020 reunion
27Aug Updates Publish resized Travel Bursary report Lily Whitehead
10Aug Fixed OR Newsletter 2019v2 erratum Re David White obituary Judy
18July – Full backup
10July Completed Woodwork section
8July Added Woodwork section photos – more to follow
6July Added Chronicle March 64 and reindexed
5July Posted OR Reunion pictures 40 year and group
4July Updated FOR with 2019 brochure.
6June Added Saul section. Saul at Rendcomb and sculptor WW Story document. Various photos of Saul decorated and restoration at NCMA
20May Added 2019 OR Society Newsletter
2March Full backup and offline save
24Feb Added Rendcombian 2017-18. Replaced 2016-17 updates from RC
16 Feb Updated 1981 OR Newsletter v2 with corrections to Graeme McDonald Wilson and Max Fredy Fisher page 8
9 Jan 2019 Reworked RC Magazine April 1973
8 Nov Full backup taken
30 Sept Full Backup website
18-20Sept A few changes and updates
7-11Sept Conversions 1982 letter from Sir Louis le Bailly to ‘Early Publications’ – 4 pages, College Appeal and Collected prose and verse of Noel H Wills
19Aug Fixed edit to v2 Magazine Sept 1947 typo Clarke
17Aug Added JP Fletcher 2018 OR poem to Reunion page and minor changes to page with attendees listed for 2018 from photo – missing 3 names.
7Aug Updated Friends and FOR pages (identical) with Mark Naylor’s changes.

26July Updates to various plugins. Added Sixth form bar license image
22July Full backups taken
9July Updated Reunions pages with 1July2018 picture and names
10June Reposted Society Newsletter 2018 with minor amendments per requests
20May Full backup
6May Minor updates to forms etc and work on donation page
16Mar Transferred contact for FOR across to M Naylor and updated Forms section, FOR etc
12Feb Full backup taken
6Feb Rendcombian Magazine 2016-17 added to Rendcombian Magazines page (added doc properties) and Issuu reading link
3Feb New 2017 drone footage completed and link provided to vimeo hosted 5 minute final
6Jan2018 Full backup

23Dec Final Roll of Honour published with new head menu. Filtered 800 spam comments
22Dec Added higher resolution 1973 prospectus at 11MB
12Dec Added link to Rob Sherratt’s B&W photo collection to Collections page. Front page title button changes
and for ‘Contact Preferences’ pending GDPR in May 2018
10Dec Full backup taken
8Dec Added 20 photos from Caroline Brett (73-74) collection
14Nov Added to and fixed descriptions of late 20’s and early 30’s College photographs
2Nov Added College photograph 1933. Added college photos confirmed dates from DWL-B album 1923, 1926 and 1928
30Oct Added 1942, 1943 and 1944 college photographs
23Oct Updated Newsletters 2000 2001 2002 and Chronicle July 1953 with redacts / minor edits re RNDW for accuracy
13Oct Minor update to OK2Contact form – Years at preferred. Added ‘Contributions’ dates to OR Society Newsletter page
10Oct Full Backup and update to PHP7 from PHP 5.3 – All plugin updates to 12/10/17
4 Oct Processed Critic #1, Critic #7 image and #7 supplement and file reduced size of #7
3 Sept Background activities. Manual Scan of The Critic from ’65. Scan 300dpi into PSE, Align and flatten, Crop, Tidy up image, Convert to B&W – InfraRed Effect,
Brightness +4, save as Jpg, Go back and delete large .bmp images from HPLJ scanner.
24Aug Processed picture set from Des / Rob Sherratt of Great White Hope band practice
20Aug Processed and published PDF scan of programme Tiger at the Gates
3Aug Processed and published 65 Prospectus from Jane
20July Part edited some of Drone footage. Hi def images of St Peter’s church roof sent to Jane
War records files scanned and draft document format for all mentioned OR boys.
17July Processed and added 25yr reunion at Bathurst Sonya Grubb from 15-7-2017
15July Added 2017 Reunion photograph with most names and changed Reunion dates to 2018. Placeholder for 2017 notes.
6July Full backup
2July Scan, proof upload 1973, 1987 & New Houses prospectuses and change menus
22June Amended 2017 Newsletter to remove pages 66-71. Early Rendcomb life by H Lee-Browne
20June Noticed Typo issues with Chronicle March 1947. Corrected
18June Received various RC media from Jane by post
16June Published the 1925 College photograph. Scanned from RC History vol1, not from original.
15June Close to completion of RC History vol 1 ebook – reproofed
12June Collection of Photographs from Robert Bolton King OR
11June Full backup of Website and database
5Jun Prepared Newsletter page for the 2017 Newsletter, arranged conversions and tagging for Release 5th June.
Added relevant links, removed some email addresses, layouts for A5 web view, Bookmarked, Doc properties, picture enhancements, Blocked text
27May Republished new version of Rendcombian 2015/16 due to missing page 5 in A4 reading version and updated tags
25May Preparation of OR Society Newsletter 2017. Final version updates, minor SP, checked links and tags. Resized pdf to 6Mb.
17-24May Proof OR Society 2017 Newsletter.
19May Scan and layout check of Rendcombian 2011 Final Magazine
5May Completed and published Rendcombian 2006 following T+ size reduction from 28mb to 21mb.
26Apr Completed and published Rendcombian 2004 following T+ size reduction from 26mb to 12mb.
18Apr Reformatted A4 and published Rendcombian 2015-16 magazine in A4 reduced size. T+ edit print process.
17Apr Completed final proof and publish of Rendcombian 2005 – Post completion T+ Pdf compress size to 12MB
10Apr Completed final proof and publish of Rendcombian 2003
5Apr Changes to Front page
3Apr Progress on final draft History Volume 1. Scan of Rendcombian 2003, prep completed 7April

27March Updated Contact2 form and links
22Mar Completed and published Rendcombian 2002 with reduced size pdf.
20Mar Completed Year 2000 College Photograph with names images Left and Right halfs
18Mar Reproofed History Vol 1 and updated Copyright notices, front page and cover text. Fixed Index indents.
15Mar Completed rework of Mag 1971 Aug from old pdf to v3 PDF, reproofed and reset in Garamond
10Mar Completed and published Rendcombian 1985
9Mar Progressing Rendcombian 1985 and 1992. Updated Theme. Updated Travel Bursary forms and poster.
5Mar Full backup website 2.3GB
5Mar Published Rendcombian 1992 from scans, proofed docx, Exported scan pages
4Mar Completed Rendcombian 1992
3Mar More work done on History of RC vol1. Requested comments on opening / end texts, Copyright and College feedback, donations.
28Feb Completed Rendcombian 2001 and published.
25Feb Completed and published Rendcombian 2000. Required colour 600dpi and scan base files of 5GB. Updates to plugins and removed spam comments
(Problems with full gloss paper. Photo rescans to avoid ‘banding’ moire at 300dpi. Scan greyscale at 600dpi, resize to 300, Greyscale,
Flatten, Despeckle, Adjust Lighting – Shadow Highlight ~40%, Save jpeg 9 (High) Use ATN auto Action file Loaded).
20Feb Scan and Process Rendcombian 2000. Some minor changes to website.
15-18Feb Process and proof read Rendcombian 1987. Publish
16Feb Copy website to Raspberry Pi to validate Duplicate process for archive and website
13Feb Changed ‘More’ pictures and linked. Published drone images and link to Vimeo drone video
12Feb Scan and process Rendcombian 1987
10Feb Add June 1920 First College photograph to front page slider
9Feb Scan of Rendcombian 1987
6-9Feb Scan and process Rendcombian 1988 and publish.
8 Feb Created Photoshop Action in CS 5.1 to Load into PS Elements to Despeckle, fix highlights and Save as jpg
4 Feb Full backup website 2.2Gb
28-31 Jan Scan and process Rendcombian 1989 and publish
26Jan Added College Photographs 1935, 1940 and 1941 courtesy Peter Binks OR 1935-41
25 Jan Process, Enhance RC School Photographs 1990, 93, 95 (courtesy Bill White). Publish to “Official” Page
23-24 Scan and process Rendcombian 1993 Magazine (courtesy of Bill White), Published with synopsis. Proof and photo enhance.
24 Jan Scan of College photographs 1990 1993, 1995 in 600 dpi A3 scanner, courtesy of Bill White.
22 Jan Experimented with eBook mobi formats creation of RC History Vol1. Some fine tuning required
19-20 Jan Rendcombian 1991 scanned missing pages, Enhanced pictures and republished as v3
18 Tested conversion of Rendcombian 2015-16 to A4 (majority of magazine pdf is in A3 landscape.
   (Used Transformer to create a new container file, Cut and pasted all L & R side of A3 pages into new blank pages which resulted in a 65 page “image” file of about 250MB. Processed to ‘recognise’ the file into a searchable PDF. Then ran the ‘reduce size’ option to produce a PDF of about 8MB close to the same size as the original. Some of the page Sections need adjusting, as does the front page as the auto recognition is not foolproof. More work required to complete. Reason is for better visualization on table in standard A4 portrait.

17 Jan Resolved missing pages and re-published Rendcombian 1983 – Issue 1 as v2
15 Jan RC History Vol 1 ISBN added

Dec/Jan Process RC History vol 1

18 Dec Process and publish Chronicle July 1949. Final gap filled [115 Chronicles and Early Magazines to Dec 1968 incl]
              Plus27 Magazines to May 1982 incl. A number of Rendcombian Magazines to process still

15-17 Process and publish Chronicle Dec 1949 and more work on layout of Vol1 History
9-11Dec Progress work on History Vol1
7 Dec Full Backup 2.1GB offline storage and update to WordPress 4.7
5 Dec Commence work on History Vol1
3 Dec Scan, proof and publish Chronicle February 1950 – two more remaining

30 Nov Scan and process Chronicle December 1950. Published 1 Dec 2016
25-29 Extensive rebuild of Rendcombian 1986. Published and summarised.
21/22 Nov Proof text. Enhance pictures and publish. Requires pages 15 and 16 repair.
13 Nov Scan and verify Rendcombian Mag 1986. Scan all woodwork loan pictures,
             Rescan School photo 1998 and publish – may need to cut in two for iPad view.

10 Nov Initial verify and proof Rendcombian 1983 #1  (missing half 1 cut pages 15/16) Loan offered WW.
              Cut pages from 1991 and 1993 Rendcombians to re-work.

8 Nov Scan, proof and publish Chronicle March 1951
            Included Doc Properties in Rendcombian 2015-16 and published to OR website with citation to RC.

3 Nov Final proof and publish Chronicle July 1951
2 Nov Scan July 1951 & initial proof. Convert and post new Travel Bursary application and poster. Link on front page.

31 Oct Scan and proof Chronicle December 1951, published
28 Oct Scan and proof Chronicle March 1952, published
24 Oct 2016 Proof and publish Rendcombian 1984
24 Oct Full backup of website and relevant files 2.1GB and 36MB database
23 Oct Work in progress Rendcombian #2 and #1 form ’84 and 83
22 Oct Various actions follow up from committee meeting – Thesis on Schools, Draft letter for review
19 Oct Published Rendcombian 1994, Scan, process, proof, enhance all images (Despeckle, soft brightness fix)
16 Oct Scan of Rendcombian 1984 vol2 and verify text.
10 Oct Scan, process and publish Chronicle July 1952.
9 Oct Scan, process and publish Chronicle December 1952. Improvements to Main menu – moved ‘Sale’ and reworded text.
Reworded Memorabilia and text relating to the walking routes. Reviewed Donation Forms.
7 Oct Finalize Chronicles of March 1953 and July 1953 and publish to archive
1 Oct Upload 2016 Reunion picture from Des original 3.4mb full res from Bert Stroud. Web image 450k (corrected)

28 Sept March and July 1953 Chronicle scan and preview
26 Sept Completed proofing and published Chronicle December 1953. Updated 2016 reunion picture (Bert Stroud) and names.
Scanned Chronicle July 1953
24 Sept Rebuilt Rendcombian 1990 and published with front cover. Updated contacts on Page 3, Relinked pdfs. 84pp
21/22 Sept Scan, process and publish RC Chronicle March 1954
14/15 Sept Rendcombian 2009 and 2010 Printed pages 1-3 and large page. Converted to docx, edited and updated contact details. Saved 3 files to pdf low quality, Joined using Acrobat Pro. Saved with no bookmarks. Slight increase in Pdf sizes but overall pdf quality maintained. No success with Acrobat Pro saving the pdf as doc format. Did not do any picture enhancements. Full size PDF sized around 50MB, so must use reduce size for web publishing.

10 Sept Published Rendcombian 1996. Reproofed, drop caps alignment, photo enhancements 98 pages
7-8 Sept Process and reset drop caps in Rendcombian 1996
6 Sept Scan and process RC Chronicle July 1954, final proof published 7 Sept
5 Sept Scan and process of Rendcombian 1996 magazine
4 Sept Improvements to the Magazines archive page text and layout

31 Aug Full Backup & Database
29 Aug Scan and reset RC Chronicle Dec 1954 – 24 pages. Published 31 Aug.
28-31 Aug Scan, process and enhanced images Rendcombian 1995 (College 75th Anniversary) 84 pages. Published 31 Aug.
23-25 Aug Process and publish Rendcombian 2008 A4. Complete rebuild from A4 pdf original 120 pages. (Similar to 2007, but no resize and page split required).
22 Aug Scan, process and publish Chronicle March 1955 A5 pdf – text 31 pages.
19 Aug Finalized Rendcombian 2007 in A4, Published using Web sized pdf. (Manual reduction of image resolutions from ‘original’ to
‘medium’ in bulk processing increased pdf doc size and lost resolution!) Searchable text, some compromises due to greater colour graphics content.
Retaining full resolution docx 95MB and standard PDF output is 45MB. (May be possible to improve in future.

14 Aug Resize Rendcombian 2007 from original PDF Landscape A4 to Landscape A3 and page split to make A4. Did not apply deskew etc, retained original image resolutions.
Let Abbyy only do basic page image pre-processing. Lots of manual edits and tweaks for a docx and pdf output. Approaching final version 18 Aug.
10 Aug Processed Chronicle July 1955 and published.
Republished Rendcombian 1997 with added properties. Requested Google search re-scan of RC Magazine archive.
9 Aug  Exchanged messages with Alan Albright re W Allan Wyon Friends Ambulance Service link broken.
Kindly offered to post all website materials. Also sent 4MB zipfile with original website content for ref.
6/8 Aug Scan Rendcombian 1997, Process to improve images and all B&W pictures.
Front cover has blurred print. Faster OCR and verification.
3/4 Aug Test conversion ‘The critic’ two copies from ’65, courtesy R. Pyecroft. Very faded in places will do as PDF image.

31 July 2016 Full Backup taken 18:00

29-31 July Finalize and Web publish RC Chronicle Dec 1955

30 July Test conversion OR Newsletter 2005 to create docx format. Good text but rough pictures. Adjust settings.
29 July docx to zip, then extract to break out original images. Edit in situ, keep file names and revert from Zip to docx to recombine

25 July Finalize and Web publish Rendcombian 1998 (Large images reprocessed).
23 July Proof Rendcombian 1998. Scan March 1956, process and publish.
22 July Scan and composite Rendcombian 1998 Magazine (88 pages)
18 July 2016 Scan, process and PDF RC Magazine Feb 1949 (missing last 2 pages torn).
15 July 2016 Scan, process and PDF RC Rendcombian 1999 Magazine (88 pages)
Changed Theme Colour to red for better text reading in Customizr theme.

12 July 2016 Scan, process and PDF RC Rendcombian 1991 Magazine (86 pages) (cut pages 13 & 14 and pics cut from pages 31 & 32)
Updated references in Wikipedia to point to new OR website

8 July 2016 RC Magazine July 1956 scan, process, publish
6 July 2016 RC Magazine December 1935 scan, process, publish

School List Summer 1968 (R. Pyecroft) Scan and process, publish – Collections Page
Scan 4 pictures from Treasure Island B&W – Add to ‘Plays’ page

5 July 2016 RC Magazine May 1936 scan, process, publish

4 July 2016 RC Magazine March 1934 to May 1935 scan, process, publish

22 June 2016 Full Backup taken