School Rules from 1967
This is a summary of the main rules of the school. It does not include every point; rules must always be interpreted with common sense and where a situation is not covered you must rely on common sense alone or if you can, ask a member of the staff or a Prefect. A specific instruction from a member of the staff or a Prefect has precedence over any rule.
1. - Smoking is forbidden; the possession of smoking materials including matches and cigarette lighters is forbidden.
2. - Gambling is forbidden.
3. - Entry into public houses and the possession or consumption of alcoholic drinks is forbidden.
4. - No one may go into a private house (except a master’s) or into a place of entertainment (or shop) without permission.
5. - No one may drive a car or a motor cycle unless he is with parents or has special permission.
6. - Comics and comic annuals are forbidden.
7. - The Churchyard is not to be used as a thoroughfare.
8. - Climbing, standing and sitting on the balustrades round the asphalt or in front of the College is forbidden.

9. - No one below the VIth Form is allowed to go into a town without permission from the duty master, his
tutor or the Headmaster.
Members of the VIth Form may not be in town without permission after 5-30 p.m. The Old Rectory Garden, the Cheltenham Lodge, and the out¬buildings in the Old Rectory garden and the Estate Garden are out of bounds.
The Estate Garden is in bounds for the purpose of playing or practising games; otherwise it is out of bounds. The path behind the Old Rectory is in bounds for passage between the Estate Garden and the school. The grass to the left of the road from the asphalt to the bridge is out of bounds from its junction with the church path to the bridge.
With the exceptions noted above boys may go anywhere by foot in the district. Be careful to observe good countryside conduct.
(i) Always close gates.
(ii) Do not damage hedges or walls in trying to get across them.
(iii) Do not go across fields with growing crops.
(iv) Remember that all land round here is privately owned; keep as far as possible to footpaths.
If you see a farmer or landowner about, ask him if it is all right to cross his land.
(v) Do not leave litter.
(vi) The eggs of nearly all species of birds are protected by law.
(vii) Do not pick up things you see lying around.
Similar bounds apply for cycling but the destination must always be entered in the cycling book, which is by the swing doors.
10. - Only put it out if you can do this instantly. Otherwise tell your neighbours (if any) at once and then a member of the staff as quickly as you can. If you cannot find a member of the staff, raise the alarm.
The alarm is given either by the fire siren or by the ringing of hand bells.
As soon as you hear this or know that there is a fire in the building, leave the building immediately and go to the asphalt.
11. - Preparation. There must be silence during preparation. Everyone must be in his study or his common room during preparation. Books are to be obtained and questions asked before the beginning of prep.
12. - Sunday Evenings Q.P. 7-30 - 8-25. Everyone must be in his study or his common room during Q.P. The VIth Form may be in the library. The following activities are allowed: letter writing, reading, drawing, music, workshop, draughts, chess, and quiet hobbies. The following are not allowed: any noisy games and games involving movement about the room.
13. - During N.T.P.s everyone must be in his study. Books should be obtained and questions asked before the beginning of the period.
14. - When a boy wishes to go out with his parents or miss a call over, he must obtain an Exeat from his Housetutor at least twenty four hours earlier. Prefects need not have an exeat but must inform the Senior Resident Master of their whereabouts.
The top part of Exeat should be banded to the Duty Prefect without delay.
The slip announcing time of return should be put on the desk in Senior Resident Master’s room immediately on return.
The Duty Prefect should place all exeats in Senior Resident Master’s room by noon on the day for which they are valid.
If there are twelve or more boys to be absent from any meal, the Duty Prefect should inform the Kitchen.
15. - The Tuesday shifts will normally be from 2-00 - 3-15 and 3-15 - 4-30. The Wednesday non-cricketers shift is from 2-00 - 3-00. Masters in charge of particular P.W. projects are free to change times where suitable.
16. - If a boy wishes to change the time of his shift or do anything different from the official list he must see not only the P.W. man but the Master in charge. Permission will not normally be granted for changing times of shifts
17. - The first shift must stay till the second shift arrives and hand over tools.
18. - If a boy wishes for any reason to be excused P.W., he must see the P.W. man, the master in charge and the Headmaster.
19. - During ‘In Quarters’ boys must be in the College, the Cycle shed, the Old Rectory or the Science Block. The Back Drive, the road past the Church to the Science Block and the drive and path as far as the Headmaster’s House are ‘In quarters’ only for passage between these buildings. The cycle shed at the O.R. is not normally ‘in quarters’, except for those sleeping at the Old Rectory for the sole purpose of putting their cycles away when they go over to bed.
20. - No one is to take a boat on the lake unless he has passed the swimming test.
21. - The deep area of the lake by the dam at the bottom must be avoided.
22. - Boys who are invited out by a member of the staff must, if it involves missing a meal, put a note stating their destination in the Senior Resident Master’s room. If it involves being late for bed, they must put a note in the Senior Resident Master’s room, or, if they sleep in the Old Rectory, in the Senior Master’s Room there.
No boy is to remain out after 10-30 p.m. without permission from the Headmaster. If it is granted, he must also inform the Senior Master at the College or the Old Rectory.
23. - No one is to go onto the roofs or the ledges. Many of the latter are dangerous through frost damage.
24. - No one is to use the fire escapes except in an emergency.
25. - There must be absolute silence in the quiet room. This is open to everyone in the Third Form and above.
26. - The radiators in the new classrooms are not to be sat on or interfered with.
27. - Electrical fittings are not to be tampered with or altered. Faulty fittings are to be reported immediately to the Duty Master. No electric appliance is to be fitted to lights or power plugs without special permission. Electric razors should only be used in the razor plugs.
28. - The Common Room of Forms I and II is out of bounds to members of other Forms unless they are sent there by a master or prefect.
29. - There should be no running in the halls, the first floor landing, top floor corridors or the corridors in the new wing.
30. - The Study corridors are out of bounds in out of school hours to members of Forms I to IV unless they are sent there by a master or a Prefect.
31. - No boy may enter a dormitory other than his own without the permission of a master, unless he is the official waker-up. He may not go into any dormitory during the daytime without permission from a master.
32. - Sliding down the banisters is forbidden.
33. - No boy may have food or beverages in his dormitory.
34. - All food and drink apart from confectionery, biscuits, fruit and birth¬day cake is forbidden. The members of the VIth form with cooking privileges may have beverages, bread, butter and jam or savoury spreads.
35. - No food is to be taken from the kitchen.
36. - The Music Rooms in the Old Rectory are out of bounds to all except those officially learning musical instruments. Pop groups must obtain permission from Director of Music.
37. - There must be silence in the Library.
38. - No one is to go in or out of the ground floor windows.
39. - Quiet should be observed in the halls.
40. - Furniture is not to be moved from room to room without permission from a master. Tables in the Common rooms are not to be moved. Chairs are to be kept upright.
41. - Ball games are forbidden inside the building except in the Gym.
42. - The Gym is available for games every evening after preparation and on Saturdays from 6 - 8-30 and Sundays from 6 - 7-30. At other times permission must be asked.
43. - There is to be no shouting out of windows.
44. - Objects are not to be thrown between ground and window and vice versa.
45. - No one is to stay more than 5 minutes in a shower.
46. - The Assembly Hall is out of bounds except for College and Meeting engagements and piano practice. Meeting Committees may also use it without permission; otherwise permission must be obtained from a master.
47. - All changing for games is to be done in the changing rooms and not in the first floor bathrooms or new wing.
48. - No one may cycle on the public highway without having passed the College cycle test. Those in Form I must also have written permission to cycle on the public highway from parents. It is illegal to take another boy on a cycle on the public highway.
Cyclists must stop before entering the Back Drive from the Church path. No one is to cycle past the Changing room or on the terraces, paths or in the stable courtyard.
Bicycles must not be left in the stable courtyard or on the asphalt. Cycling after dark along the back drive is forbidden, unless the bicycle has proper lights.
All grounds and paths at the Old Rectory are out of bounds to cyclists except the garage courtyard and new cycle shed.
If a boy goes for a ride his destination must be entered in the cycle book by the back swing doors.
No boy may borrow a cycle from members of Form I or II. For dress for cycling see rule 59.
49. - A society wishing to show a film must first obtain permission from both Mr. Swaine and the Headmaster.
50. - Radios are permitted to those in forms V and above, in Studies and in the grounds out of earshot of buildings and games fields. In Studies they may only be used in the way stated in the Study Rules. They are to be played softly at all times.
Main sets are illegal; only battery sets are allowed.
Aerials are not allowed.
Those in study bedrooms must have radio licenses.
51. - The object of the Motor Club is for members to discover how a car works, not how to drive it.
The cars are not to be driven or moved under their own power without the permission and under the supervision of either Mr. Dennis or the Headmaster.
On no account is the engine to be started when the car is in the garage and the doors are shut.
The garage is out of bounds to all except members of the Motor Club.
52. - No one may use Public transport without permission from a master.
Hitch hiking is forbidden.
No one may travel in a private car without permission from a master unless they are in company with their parents and have a exeat or are in a Master’s car.
53. - This may be played between 12 and 5-40 and between the end of prep and 8-45. On Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays it may be played until 9-30.
Both windows of Classroom and the door must be kept shut.
On Sundays and Wednesdays after prep only classical music may be played.
The Amplifier must be played at a volume that does not disturb others.
54. - Sunday Suits should not be worn in the Workshop, the Laboratory, the Pottery or when repairing cycles. The jacket of a Sunday suit must not be worn when playing Forecourt games nor should it be thrown on the ground. Forms I and II must change into pullovers or lumber jackets and shorts immediately after lunch on Sundays.
55. - Pullovers worn underneath lumber jackets should be of quiet colours. After the beginning of Christmas term 1965 all pullovers that are not the new regulation grey must be worn in such a way that they are invisible under the regulation grey pullover.
56. - Socks must not be loud.
57. - Shoes must be black or brown leather. Suede shoes are allowed for boys in the Sixth form. Pointed toes are not allowed.
58. - White Shirts. These may be worn by Forms V and VI only. As well as being worn for concerts and theatres away from school and for dances at school, they may be worn on the day of assembling and of dispersing at the beginning and end of term and of half-term leave.
59. - For cycling, normal school uniform may be worn, but if possible Sunday suits should be avoided. P.W. trousers, khaki or navy shorts, dark blue or grey pullovers and anoraks of plain colours and conventional pattern are also allowed. Grey stockings or socks must be worn.
Headgear and jeans are forbidden.
60. - Raincoats and overcoats should be navy or fawn; for Forms VI and V a lighter colour is permitted provided it is not loud. They must be of conventional pattern.
61. - Wearing of P.T. shoes is forbidden during school hours.
62. - Sandals may be worn in the summer term only.
63. - Bathing trunks are not to be used for tennis, and gym shoes are to be worn.
64. - Navy blue or black track-suits may be worn at suitable times.
65. - Home Suits. A ‘home’ suit is either a suit or jacket and trousers. Only boys in the Upper VI and VIa may bring back home suits. They may be worn for interviews away from the school and at the beginning and end of term and half-term leave as for white shirts.
66. - No other non-regulation clothing may be possessed or worn at school, except coloured pullovers and anoraks, gloves, ties and scarves. If these are worn for the journey home, they must be put on immediately before departure. If worn for the journey back to school they must be removed before prayers. On no account is any clothing, not the property of the College to be left at school during the holidays.
67. - Regulations for the use of the Swimming bath.
1. Changing must take place in the changing rooms.
2. Boys should use the lavatory and blow their noses before leaving the building.
3. P.T. shoes must be worn between the changing rooms and the pool.
4. No running on the pool sides is allowed.
5. No one must be thrown or pushed in.
6. Shoes must be taken off before entering the area inside the wall. They must be put on again
as soon as a boy goes outside the walled area.
The pool will be open every day for boys who have passed the test as follows:
7 a.m. to 7-30 a.m.
12 noon to 1-00 p.m.
2 p.m. to 5-40 p.m.
6-40 p.m. to ‘In Quarters’ daily.
(Always excepting those times when it is reserved for learners.)
PROVIDED these two conditions are fulfilled:
(1) That boys have written permission from their parents that they may bathe without supervision.
(2) That there are three or more boys bathing.
Those who have not passed the test must under no account bathe except when the swimming master
or another master deputed by him is present.
Permission must be obtained from parents for bathing in places other than the College swimming pool.
68. - No boy may use the laboratories in the absence of the staff except with special permission from a member of the science staff. Such permission is normally restricted to Form VI to undertake specifically approved exper¬iments. No apparatus or materials may be removed from the laboratories without permission from a member of the science staff.
69. - Forms I-V are not to enter the General Laboratory until the master arrives: in the new Chemistry Laboratory they are to enter and sit on their stools at their places; no equipment is to be touched.
70. - The Junior Radio Club may enter the General Laboratory with Mr. Dennis’ permission.
71. - The kiosk in the village is out of bounds.
72. - Other public telephones are out of bounds except for ringing up the College.
73. - Boys may use the telephone in Woolton with permission from their Housetutor, the Duty Master or Headmaster.
74. - Prefects may use the telephone in Woolton after 8 p.m. without permission.
75. - The disposal of refuse. It is very important that the following rules are adhered to.
(1) Only paper or cardboard is to go into the boxes in the passage way.
(2) All waste food must be put in the swill bins in the octagon.
(3) All other refuse is to go into the bins outside the courtyard by the Manual window.
76. - The playing of darts and the possession of darts material is illegal.
77. - No baths are to be taken until after prep.
78. - No one who is balustraded may go beyond the balustrade. At the back of the college this is marked by the retaining wall which makes the front wall of the men’s sheds and the nearer wall of the swimming pool.
79. - The Old Rectory is in bounds only for official periods.
80. - The games field is in bounds only for official games or duties.
81. - The Labs. are in bounds only for official periods or authorised work. Access is via the bridge and not through the village.
82. - No one who is balustraded may enter the swimming pool.
83. - Exeats will be granted only in exceptional circumstances.
84. - The washing-up group on duty must go straight to the washup after the meal. No one is to leave until they have permission from the senior member of the group.
88. - The senior member of the group is to report to the Duty Master when the group has completed and cleaned up the washup.
86. - If it is necessary for a boy to change his group, i.e. because he has an exeat, it is essential for him to see the Prefect in charge of washing up and the senior member of his group.
87. - The following points should be observed by the washing up group.
(1) Turn sterilizer on about 45 minutes before heater is wanted. Turn off one or two beaters if
sterilizer gets too hot during wash up. The sterilizer is only to be operated by a sixth former in
charge of serving or the senior member of the group. NEVER turn the Sterilizer ON
OFF first.
(2) The sixth former in charge of serving should make sure that dishes and knives are correctly
stacked and water jugs put on lower shelf.
(3) Liquid waste should not be put into the waste bin but into bowl provided.
(4) Knives, forks and spoons should be put into buckets of hot soapy water to soak off food
before they go into the washup.
(5) Soap is automatically fed into the washup sink; the sterilizer has only plain water.
(6) Stacks of plates should be put into the washup sink and plates rubbed individually with the
nylon pad, plates are then put in the baskets placed between the sinks.
(7) Dip baskets into sterilizing sink for approximately 30 seconds.
(8) Stand basket when taken out of sterilizer into space provided on right of sink for one minute
to allow water to drain back into sterilizer, then run baskets to end of counter. Plates should
now be dry and taken out of baskets and stacked on shelves over hot cupboard or in hot
(9) Mugs must be put into washing up sink and washed before being put into baskets for sterilizing,
if they are only put into baskets and swished up and down in the washing up sink, the sugar
remains in them. Cutlery should be put out of the buckets of soapy water straight into the
cutlery baskets and swished up and down in the washup sink, care being taken not to scrape
the bottom or hit the sides of the sink. They should then be put into the sterilizer.
(10) After the plates have been washed, the sink should be emptied and fresh soapy water run into
the washup sink for the mugs and cutlery. Empty waste bin into swill bins in octagon, then
wash waste bin after each meal.
(11) Clean out bowls, wash out swabs and hang to dry ready for the next wash up.
(12) Finally clean sinks and floor using floor bucket, not cutlery buckets.
1. - These studies are intended principally to allow boys to work undisturbed. Radios may not be played at all during school hours or prep., or after lights out. They may be played through loud speakers only at the times posted on the Study notice board. Volume must be such as not to interfere with the occupants of other study bedrooms or of the rest of the College.
2. - Everyone should knock before he enters a Study Bedroom.
3. - Study Bedrooms must be clean and tidy, with all washing up done by 8-25 a.m. on weekdays and by 9-30 a.m. on Sundays.
4. - Lights must be out in Study Bedrooms by 10-to p.m. daily. Occupants are to be in bed
before 10-10 p.m.
5. - Cooking may be done only at the times posted on the Study Notice Board. It is to be restricted to the preparation of hot drinks and toast. Bread in reasonable quantity may be obtained from the kitchen at a time convenient to the catering staff.
6. - During prep. or N.T.P.’s all boys must be in their own studies.
7. - The bathrooms may be used only in the evening before bedtime and only by boys with Study Bedrooms.
8. - The Fire Escape from the Study Bedroom floor is to be used only in case of fire or of a fire practice.
9. - No electric appliances, other than correct voltage electric razors and the rings and kettle provided for cooking, may be used.
10. - Pictures etc., must be hung only with the standard pin and hook. Nothing else must be driven into the walls and nothing must be stuck on the walls. It is most important that the plaster be kept in good condition.
11. - Any damage done to structure or furniture must be reported immediately to the Senior Resident Master or Headmaster.
12. - It is in the interest of all Study Bedroom holders to see that these rules are obeyed, as persistent infringement can only result in restriction of privilege.
1. - These studies are intended principally to allow boys to work undisturbed. Radios may not be played at all during school hours or prep., or after lights out. They may be played through loudspeakers only at the times posted on Study Notice Board. Volume must be such as not to interfere with the occupants of other studies or of the rest of the College.
2. - Everyone should knock before he enters a Study.
3. - Studies must be clean and tidy by 8-25 a.m. on weekdays and 9-30 a.m. on Sundays.
4. - During Prep. or N.T.P.’s all boys must be in their own studies.
5. - Pictures etc., must be hung only with the standard pin and hook. Nothing else must be driven into the walls and nothing must be stuck on the walls. It is most important that the plaster be kept in good condition.
6. - Any damage done to structure or furniture must be reported im¬mediately to the Senior Resident Master or Headmaster.
7. - It is in the interest of Study occupants to see that these rules are obeyed, as persistent infringement can only result in restriction of privilege.
From 1967, contributed by Nigel Powell